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Exchange Rate Madness

Haiti is going through a financial crisis that is difficult to explain. I am sharing this post from an American veterinarian and friend that lives and works in Haiti, Kelly Crowdis. This is the best explanation I have come across. This is from a businesswoman and friend Haiti and the exchange rate US$ – Gourdes (part 1) In a normal situation, the exchange rate is a matter of DEMAND and AVAILABILITY. It is known that Haiti needs a lot more US$ than it actually has available. IMPORT: The vast majority of products available in Haiti are imported from the USA …

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Coronavirus Changes

May 11th, 2020, Bob and I have been staying in, I have followed the “stay at home” very strictly. Some aspects of the quarantine have reminded me of our time living in Haiti. Only seeing family on the computer, spending so much time with Bob, no shopping. I feel like our Haiti experience prepared us in some ways for these unbelievable times. The Corona-19 virus came into Haiti about a month ago. As of today, they report 182 cases with 15 deaths. Haiti does not have testing in place but they have closed their borders. There are 10,347 cases, with …

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Kenly the Tailer Man

April 4, 2020 Kenley Joseph First, I will give you a little update on what’s happening in Haiti. The gangs are still robbing and kidnapping people in Port au Prince and on the main highways. I have not heard of demonstrations, but the country is starting to lock down because they now have people with the Coronavirus. This is going to be very difficult in Haiti. The schools have closed and they are closing the market places down. In Haiti, other than the larger cities, there are no grocery stores, all shopping is done at the market in each town …

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Toussaint Daphney and her brother, Toussaint Marc Arthur. Two more promising young people of Haiti.

These are two more recipients of The Haiti Project scholarships. They do not have individual sponsors, the funds come from our General fund. They are brother and sister and live in the village of Garcin very close to our apartment. Daphney is a liturgical dancer at celebrations at church. She also serves as a reader and is in the choir.  She is always smiling. Daphney went to secondary school shortly after we started living in Haiti so she lived in the town all week. I did not get the opportunity to get to know her personally. Currently, the Haiti Project …

Toussaint Daphney and her brother, Toussaint Marc Arthur. Two more promising young people of Haiti. Read More »

Young adults are the hope for Haiti

by Denise Snyder This is the longest amount of time I have been out of Haiti in at least seven years, but I really think it has been much longer than that. For the past year traveling in Haiti has and is now very dangerous. Heavily armed gangs are stopping cars, robbing, kidnapping and sometimes killing. My personal health has also been an issue. I had a second tumor removed from my right lung this past December. It was malignant, but God blessed me once again, it was stage one and the surgeon successively got all. Technically I am Cancer …

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Haiti Update

Dear faithful partners and benefactors, We have been neglectful in updating about the everyday events that are affecting the lives of people living in Haiti, so this post is a little longer. In the rural area that The Haiti Project works, life is going on pretty much the same, except they have even less to eat and have been driven deeper into poverty… and they are the fortunate ones. In some of the cities, gangs are still terrorizing, robbing, kidnapping and killing without fear of reprisal. Yesterday a missionary who has refused to leave the area, had his truck stolen …

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Feed children that do not eat every day. Make your donation count this Giving Tuesday.

As of this writing on Thanksgiving Day, political and civil crises engulf Haiti. While the daily paralysis of the country has lifted slightly, armed and violent gangs operating with impunity still hold the countryside hostage. And… powerful opposing political factions are calling for renewed protests. During this dangerous and dark time, The Haiti Project is working with a core group of Priests, Sisters, volunteers, and missionaries that remain in Haiti, to continue serving the poorest of the poor. These faithful work silently, under the radar, to escape attention from those who believe that the only solution to the terrible excesses …

Feed children that do not eat every day. Make your donation count this Giving Tuesday. Read More »

Haiti now

This post is by Fr Rick Frechette CP DO One of God\’s faithful servants.

Grief and Sorrow

With all of the overwhelming news of political and civil unrest dragging Haiti down, filling us with discourgment, this is a reminder from 2015 of life in rural Haiti… and how difficult life already is, without the additional present sorrow and suffering. Grief and Sorrow Four nights. Wailing, keening, punctuated with sudden stillness and low murmurs. Sleep, awake again. Piercing screams from unknown fathoms of sorrow mix with the rising and falling counterpoint of the voodoo drums; chanting, and cocks crowing. With the tinges of daylight the keening stops, the roosters fade and only the drums and chanting continue unrelenting. …

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