We collaborate with St Thomas Aquinas Church in Cookeville, TN to support the five schools of The Parish of Riviere Mancelle. They are:
• Saint Cecil School (Kalabat)
• Saint Michel School ( Danti)
• Accolade School (Atrel)
• Altagrace School (Yona)
• La Sagesse School ( Chato)
There are a total of 40 teachers and 840 students at the five schools.
We do not use the sponsor-a-student method to fund the schools because in the face of such extreme poverty, it leaves too many children with nothing. Instead, funds raised pay the teachers’ salaries. Once donations exceed the cost of supporting the teachers, we will continue to fundraise to purchase food for the school lunch program. We’re able to feed the 40 teachers and 840 children for approximately $675 per day.